  My questions in the heart were all answered!
  My life has changed since all my questions on the Bible were answered!
  A Letter from Abroad - Sister Soraya Gonzales
  I was healed of AIDS by the power of God!
  Manmin is special and by far the best!
  I used to be indulged in video games but now I preach the gospel!
  My baby's heart stopped beating but she came to life! - Sister Yamuna
  A letter from Argentina - Pastor Josefina Artaza, Argentina
  The holiness gospel makes me full of peace, joy, and hope for heaven!
  I was healed of a fractured cervical vertebra by Senior Pastor's prayer on Enlace TV!
  In the prayer, God helped me feel the Lord's love from my heart, and I shed unceasing tears.
  Spiritual blessing as well as healing were given through the powerful prayer!
  The serious pain caused by urinary stones was gone when my eyes met his eyes!
  I was healed of eye cancer, and my eye vision even improved!
  My artistic sense was developed by the power of re-creation!
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